New Brunch Order Up!

I ordered some of the new foods I have been trying at brunch for the first time this past weekend.  It felt pretty risky because wasn’t sure how much I would be able to eat and if I would still be hungry after if I couldn’t eat most of it but I went for it anyways.  This is also the first time I have ever ordered meat ever and had it in a restaurant so pretty proud of that.  I got the B&R Special at this place called Bakers and Roasters where I had two eggs scrambled on hot buttered toast with bacon along with a mini stack of pancakes and syrup.  I was glad to have the mini pancakes along with the new foods as a back up, somewhat of a security blanket.  I was also pretty nervous having all of this in public not knowing how the restaurant would cook everything.   I was very anxious before trying everything.  The scrambled eggs were definitely different than the ones I have made so far.  They were a little bit wetter and were also fluffier so that was different and they did have those little green things on them but I just moved those off.  I probably had a whole one of the eggs which is a lot for me given that up to this point I haven’t finished a whole scrambled egg on my own.  I wasn’t a huge fan of the eggs on the toast making it all soggy but the other piece of toast was nice and toasted with butter so I had that with a few of my bites of eggs and that worked out ok.  I was pretty nervous about trying the bacon because it was not cooked as crispy as I have made it so far.  I still tried the crispier bits of it but didn’t have as much of it because I am not used to the less crispy bacon yet.  Pancakes are not a new food for my but were good and the syrup was really super sweet.  Overall, very successful for my first new food meal eating out!   Can’t believe I ordered scrambled eggs and bacon in a restaurant!