Steak and Potato

I cooked steak tonight for the first time!  I think it turned out pretty good considering it is my first time ever cooking one.  I used salt and pepper to season it before cooking and then used garlic and rosemary and butter for the basting.  It seems to look the way it is supposed to with the outside dark and crisp and the inside a little pink and softer.  For the texture it is definitely chewy and kind of sticks to your teeth.  I noticed that I seem to have to chew meat a lot more than other foods, steak included.  It is softer in the center than towards the outside and juicier in the center than on the outside.  Then it is a little crunchier on the outside for what I guess would be the crust.  It is strange to me how one food can have three different textures going on at the same time.  It kind of makes my mouth and lips a little hot, maybe that is from the pepper seasoning?  I can’t believe I really just cooked and ate this!

Steak and potato, wow.  What this means for me is huge!!!!  I do not have to be afraid and anxious for weddings or work events and their set menus anymore.  For my own wedding I couldn’t eat anything on the menu and so they had to special make a quesadilla for me.  But now I could have the Oven Roasted Filet Mignon we had on the menu, this means so much to me!!!!  I have actually tried everything on it:  filet mignon, whipped potatoes, grilled red onions, portabella mushrooms and asparagus.  Simply amazing!


1 thought on “Steak and Potato”

  1. Oh Jess…now you’re making me cry! This is a huge accomplishment and I am so very thrilled for you! You gave a really good description of how it is crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. It is work for anyone to chew and swallow steak, but yum it is worth it. Thinking of you and how much you have expanded your food options. Love you! 🙂

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