
I tried blueberries again with breakfast this morning, I have tried these a couple times here and there and have had blueberry muffins before.  These little berries are strange and  for the taste they are quite tart.  They have this weird little setup with the skin on the outside which creates a little bit of a strange texture at first and sometimes there are little bits I guess of the little stem part.  They are kind of similar to the texture of grapes on the inside.  I noticed that they are much sweeter when they are in blueberry muffins or cooked in blueberry pancakes or something.  I think this also might depend on the batch of blueberries and the time of year but mine were pretty large and tart.

Similar to many other fruits blueberries have a lot of health benefits as well.  The are really high in antioxidants which are really good for you and keep you healthy in a lot of different ways.  They benefit your nervous system and also your brain function and it looks like they can even improve your memory.  They really benefit your whole body with anti inflammatory benefits, support for your cardiovascular system, muscle support, protection of the nervous system, protection of the digestive tract, and blood sugar regulation.  There are a lot of health benefits to these little fruits so it will be a good thing to try to incorporate more into my diet.

2 thoughts on “Blueberries”

  1. I was looking back through all your posts over the years. It makes a much bigger impact when you see you did one new food every few month back in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Also just look at the pictures. The foods your trying now just look much better and more appetizing

  2. So glad your eating blueberries. As you cite in your post, the health benefits are numerous. The same is true for blackberries and raspberries and even strawberries, though blueberries top the list for their anti-inflammatory properties. They taste sweeter in muffins primarily because of the other ingredients; if you can eat them plain, that is probably best, health-wise. I love how your posts are so informative letting the readers know what all the health properties are. Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits; I hope you really grow to like them!

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